Slashes Imprint


Niterra EMEA GmbH
Balcke-Dürr-Allee 6
D-40882 Ratingen
Tel.:  +49 21 02 - 97 4-000
Fax:  +49 21 02 - 97 4-039
To Contact Form

General manager: Damien Germès

Company registration: Amtsgericht Düsseldorf
HRB 43118

VAT ID-No: DE 121640216

Trade chamber: IHK Düsseldorf
Ernst-Schneider-Platz 1
40212 Düsseldorf

Your Contact Person

If you have any questions, remarks or critics about our website, please call:

Responsible: Damien Germès
c/o Niterra EMEA GmbH
Balcke-Dürr-Allee 6
D-40882 Ratingen
Tel.: +49 21 02 - 97 4-000